1/12/2023 -Thursday



We were able to make it out the nesting beach last night.  We worked hard walking the beaches but were not able to find any tracks. (at about 0100 hours we all settled in for a one hour rest/sleep.  During the one hour period a turtle did come up on the beach and immediately turned around and went back in... within about 10 meters of our sleeping area.  I don't know if we could have stopped it even if we had seen it.  Nonetheless, it was sort of a bummer that we didn't get that one.  We walked the beaches twice after that but there were no other tracks so she apparently didn't come up to nest.  Hopefully, she will try again tonight.

Below are pictures - just uploaded without comment because of time constraints:

The fruit platter at lunch.

lunch time.

Checking out the surf on Wed. afternoon before we decided that it was safe to make the trip to the nesting beaches.

Loaded and headed out to the nesting beaches- around 1500 h.

James on the left and Robson on the right were two of our three local helpers.

Talking story on the way to the beaches.

Setting up camp.

Our beach campsite for the night.

The cover of our campsite is up and secure.

Dinner is prepared / served.

Charlotte teaching about how to make coconut palm fish.

Dinner is served.

Time for a card game before walking the beaches.

Sunset at the campsite.

Continuing the card game!  

We came across a Krait sea snake during one our beach walks.

The aftermath of a night walking the beaches with very little sleep.

Alden was still with us!

East/Long Beach walk is 1.6 miles long and takes about 50 min. one way.

West beach walk is about .7 miles long and takes about 30 min. one way.


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