First Day on Moso Island


First a few pictures of yesterday's adventures:

Our turboprop that we took from Nadi to Efate.

Getting ready to board the plane for the 2.5 hour flight.

After we arrived we loaded into a van for the 25 minute ride to the north shore of Efate.

The team with some of the gear.. look at the boat below.

Posed- what a great team!

Holding all the equipment in the center of the boat to keep it from falling.. it was a little rough.  The fellow on the left is our colleague, Francis Hickey.

It was an arduous trip but we finally made it to Moso Island (in the dark)!  We got kind of settled in and then went over for dinner at the dining hall.

dinner time 
Dinner time ... it was pretty dark so the image is not very good.

Fare #4 Where Mr. Rice is staying.

Fare #5 where the rest of the team is staying.

Getting ready to go out snorkeling in the rain.

Fare #5

The team after nearly 2 hours of snorkeling.

The weather continues to be a problem.  The north west wind has been blowing too hard to go around to the west side of the island.  Today it is down a bit and it is expected to go down even more tomorrow.  Our current plan is to wait until tomorrow to make a trip around to the northern beaches, set up camp and spend the night searching for nesting hawksbills.
If tomorrow is a no go, we will have to walk across the island to get to the beaches - we will ask for the boat captain to go over and set up camp for us so we don't have to carry all of our equipment across the island.  HOPE FOR LIGHT WINDS!!!

The snorkelers at the TR dock.

The view outside Fare #4 this morning... raining hard and consistently!

At lunch, Boots wanted to have some steak also.

The baby hatchling hawksbill turtles were a big hit.

The team finally got onto the internet and immediately called or texted home... 

A recently hatched hawksbill turtle.

The first rays of sunlight at 1800 h on 1/6/2023.


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